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Electrical Woes (Was: my car won't start)

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Electrical Woes (Was: my car won't start)
From: "Mark S. Lepore, MD" <>
Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 09:56:37 -0400
Organization: CHMC
References: <>
To all those that have responded thus far, I appreciate it.
Here is the summary this far:
'71 TR6 won't start, won't jump start, but I can pop start it.
I bought a new battery, and it started fine.  Overnight it sat, and the
next a.m. it wouldn't start again.  The battery read fully charged, but
I got another one anyway.  The car started.  I have been disconnecting
the red battery cable every time it is stopped in case there was a draw.
An electrical shop looked at it...said there is no draw, and the
charging system is ok.  They put a load on the battery, and this checked
out ok.  Started checked out OK
What do I do now?  It seems to be an intermittent problem.  How will I
ever diagnose this?
'71 TR6

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