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Re: suspension woes

To: Peter Zaborski <>
Subject: Re: suspension woes
From: "Mark S. Lepore, MD" <>
Date: Mon, 23 Jun 1997 16:26:35 -0400
Cc: "'TR6 List'" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Organization: CHMC
References: <>
Peter Zaborski wrote:
> I am trying to cure a couple of probelms with my TR6's suspension. I
> will send out two messages so as to keep each simple as I believe they
> are for the most part independenet of each other.
> Problem 1 - Standard TR6 squat problem. Compounded by the fact the
> driver's side sags more than the pass side. I would like to rectify
> this. I am planning on replacing spings and possibly installing the
> nylatron kit from TRF (any other sources for this?).
> Desired outcome - I am looking to cure the squat and sag. I am not
> looking to lower my car to improve handling or any other reasons. I
> would like to eliminate the squat in both static and accelerating modes.
> So what are the suggested steps to address the problem? Prior postings
> from listers suggest various combinations of springs, spacers, bushing
> kits. I am quite confused. Is there a definitive answer for this? I also
> am led to believe that the later TR6s had different requirements than
> the older ones. Not sure what this is about (different car weights
> perhaps) but my car is a late 76.
> Thanks for any help.
> Peter Zaborski
> 76 TR6 (CF58310 UO)
> Calgary AB Canada
> PS. Problem 2 is coming in my next message.

I'm very interested in this problem as well.  My '71 sags very
noticeably to the passanger side.  In fact, the front pass. side wheel
is so high in the wheel well you can't see the top of the tire.  I can't
wait to see what everyone has to say.
'71 TR6

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