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RE: aftermarket parts

To: "Ed Burger" <> (Return requested), "Rick deOlazarra" <> (Return requested)
Subject: RE: aftermarket parts
From: "Vincenti, Ross" <>
Date: 18 Jun 1997 07:53:37 -0700
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Ed Burger wrote:
> Is there a catolog of aftermarket parts for the Triumph Spitfire (1965)?
Ed - there are several good sources here in the USA and abroad in the UK.  
Check out the "monster list" at "";

Most list members seem to use The Roadster Factory, Victoria British, 
British Car Parts Northwest, Special Interest Car Parts, Moss, etc., here 
in the U.S.  Across the pond I've used Rimmer Bros. and John Kipping 
Triumph Spares and have found them to have a much larger inventory of parts
for the early Spitfires (although I strongly urge you to make up one long 
list of parts and order them all at once to save air freight - it is 
expensive but on larger orders - about $1,000 U.S. and above - they will 
waive shipping costs).

Ross D. Vincenti - Costa Mesa, CA
64 Spitfire 4
64 Porsche 356C Coupe

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