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Re: Possessive of "it"

To: <>, <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Re: Possessive of "it"
From: "Nick" <>
Date: Mon, 9 Jun 1997 15:59:25 -0700

> From:
> To:
> Subject: Possessive of "it"
> Date: Saturday, June 07, 1997 7:12 PM
> Please..............
> It's (which is a contraction) = it is
> its = the possessive for "it"  (just like he/his or her/hers - i.e. no
> apostrophe)
> Yes, I know -- I must be having a bad morning. ;-).  Cheers.
> Art

I think the old guy at the start of the Monte Ptython show, said it best.
"Its...", or did he say "It's..."?  Oh oh, another dilemma.

Sorry I didn't pay attention in Miss Morrow's English class...
       Nick in Nor Cal 

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