Henry sez-
> Boy, have I been having fun!!!
> I got the major mechanicals sorted out on the '3, and am happy to report
> things are going very well.
> The engine started like a charm after some 20 years.
> Anyway, as I bled the clutch (rebuilt both the master and slave
> clyinders) I noticed strange pedal action. I think the master clyinder
> may be out of adjustment, but I would like another opinion.
Opinion alert...I think that's my cue...
> When the pedal is depressed, the clutch disengages. But when you put her
> in gear and let out the clutch, the clutch doesn't engage promptly. I
> have the tranny tunnel off so I can see the linkage, and the linkage is
> _slowly_ moving back to the noraml, engaged position. The crazy thing is
> if you work the pedal up and down repeatedly, the master cylinder "pumps
> up" to the point where the pedal is rock hard and will _not_ move from
> the top of it's travel, and the clutch is disengaged. After a few
> seconds, the clutch will again slowly engage, but only if I take my foot
> off the pedal.
> So, what do you think?
OK Henry, a coupla thoughts.
First, shorten the adjustment on the master cyl rod. If the rod is set too
long it will not uncover the bleed back hole all the way so the system will
hold pressure and give you these symptoms.
Next, check to make sure you have a return spring on the clutch slave
cylinder. Unlike the later TR series cylinders, these cylinders were made
so that the piston is pushed back down the bore of the cylinder by an
outside force (the spring in this case)
I also like the bad hose theory, and heck, you should replace it after 20
years anyway.
Finally, and this may be the hardest answer as you will have to remember
back these many 20 years to recall if you "really" lubed up the throw out
bearing sleeve with some nice heavy grease. I mention this because now that
20 year old grease has taken on the consistancy of number 2 Permatex sealer
and will not easily let the throw out bearing return. I think you can see
where we're goin with this one.
Remember...you said this was fun...
Nick in NOr Cal