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Humour, alledgedly

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Humour, alledgedly
From: "Johnny Storm:- International Racing car driver" <>
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 1997 15:47:31 +0000 ()
 something to amuse the sheep-pleasurers out there:
(alright, you may have read it before, but it's amusing)


> The Scene: John Trovolta and Samuel J. Jackson sitting in car talking.
>      (Pulp Fiction music fades off...)
> S: Ok, so tell me again about the Welsh.
> J: Whaddya wanna know?
> S: Beastiality is legal there right?
> J: Yeah, its legal but it ain't a 100% legal. I mean you can't just walk
> into a field, pick up a sheep and start pumpin' away. They wan't you to
> shag sheep in your home or certain designated places.
> S: And those are valleys?
> J: Ok, it breaks down like this: its legal to buy a sheep, its legal to
> own a sheep and if you're a farmer its legal to sell or loan sheep, its
> ILLEGAL to fuck sheep in public but...but...but that doesn't matter 'cos,
> getta loada this, the police in Wales are too stupid to notice you've got
> a sheep hanging off your dick. I mean that's the interlect the police in
> Wales DON'T have.
> S: Arrr man. I'm not goin', that's all there is too it, I'm never fuckin'
> goin'.
> J: Nah man, you'd hate it the most. But do know what the funniest thing
> about Wales is?
> S: What?
> J: Its the little differences, I mean they got the same kinda people over
> there as we got here, but there they're a little different.
> S: Example.
> J: Ok. You can walk into a Movie theatre in Cardiff and order a lump of
> coal, and I'm not talkin' about no paper cup, I'm talkin' about a LUMP of
> coal. And in Swansea you can buy coal in MacDonalds. Do you know what they
> call a 1/4 pounder with cheese in Wales?
> S: They don't call it a 1/4 pounder with cheese?
> J: Nah man, they don't have fractions, they wouldn't know what the fuck a
> 1/4 pounder is.
> S: So whadda they call it?
> J: A (assumes welsh accent) "Ham and Cheese Sandwhichchchch".
> S: A Ham and Cheese Sandwichchchchch?
> J: That's right.
> S: And whadda they call a Big Mac?
> J: A Big Macs a Big Mac but there they call it a Bich Machch (accent
> again).
> S: (immitating accent badly) A Bichch Machchchchchchch?
> J: Ha ha ha
> S: Whadda they call a Whopper?
> J: I don't know, I didn't go outside. Do you know what they put on French
> Fries in Swansea instead of ketch-up?
> S: What?
> J: Coal.
> S: Arrr man...
> J: I,ve seen 'um do it man, they fuckin' drown 'um in that shit.

Hey Si!
I'm not going to make a habit of sending this sort of filth to you, 
but I thought you might as well have it before I delete it as I know 
you enjoy this sort of stuff, pervert!!!

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