Hold the phone! If you're trailing arm crossmembers are the only thing
that is rusted out, it is possible to replace them with the body on.
Granted, this is not the ideal repair method, but it is doable.
If you do a "frame swap", you will be spending considerable time, money
and effort. When you take your body off, for instance, you will
undoubtedly find other necessary repairs.
There are shops that can replace the trailing arm crossmembers in place.
Up here in New England, I know of several shops that do this work
routinely. Expect to pay a couple hundred $$$ for parts and around $400 for
labor. One of my friends indicates the average is around $600 for the job.
Don't forget to get a 4 wheel alignment when the welding is all done!
Good luck,
p.s. Don't fall for the "angle iron" repair, though. That is the evil
way to do the job!!! Get replacement trailing arm cross members from a
source like Moss or TRF and if they don't pan out, give me a shout. I can
get you in touch with a couple of vendors.
Bob Lang Room 11-221 | This space for rent.
Consultant MIT Computer Services |
Voice: (617)253-7438 FAX: (617)258-9535 |
Quote: How many Triumphs do you own??? Just a few.