Andrew Mace wrote:
> On Wed, 19 Feb 1997, Spitfire 1500 wrote:
> > Good Evening All!
> > Just a quick question about my Vitesse/Sports6 before I get
> > into the GT6+ questions. The commission # is HB5635LOY (I
> > think it's Y, could be a V), can anyone shed any light on
> > this? What year, engine type, etc. Any info will be greatly
> > appreciated!
> Sounds like about a 1963 or maybe early 1964 model year car to
> me. I'll wager that the suffix letters are LCV (Left hand drive
> ConVertible), not LOY.
> --Andy
My guess also. It could have been an O for Overdrive, but then
I can't see any explanation for the Y/V letter... And if it is
a Saloon then both O and Y are misread and should be D and L.
A bit far, I guess...
On the question part concerning year/comm no:
The two first Vitesses had Comm nos HB4DL and HB47CV
(Saloon/Convertible) and both were manufactured in May of '62.
The Comm nos of the first Vitesses made in January '63 were:
HB6699DL and HB6700CV.
(The Comm nos of the first Vitesses made in January '64 were:
HB16925DL and HB16939CV.)
So, we can conclude it's a Vitesse made late in 1962 for the
North American market, either a Convertible in case the Comm
No is HB5635LCV, or a Saloon in wich case Comm No is HB5635LDL.
OK Ron, is it a Saloon or a Convertible?
Odd Hedberg
Pomonagatan 4 International liaison secretary,
S-74236 �sthammar Triumph Club of Sweden
Sweden '70 Spitfire Mk3 FD82497LO Signal Red
Club URL:
Home Telephone: Int+ 46-1731 7131
Geographical Position: N 60deg15min E 18deg23min