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More on British Car Week

To: british-cars@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: More on British Car Week
Date: Sat, 15 Feb 1997 16:32:35 -0500 (EST)
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net, Healeys@Autox.Team.Net, mgs@Autox.Team.Net
The following is an explanation of The First Annual British Car Week and
instructions for enjoying yourself during this celebration.  The week of May
12th to the 18th has been chosen for this year.

A week in May has been chosen because ( as indicated in Peter Schauss's
letter) it is a time of year when the snow has melted in most parts of the
country (at least in the USA) and we can all get our cars out to enjoy them.
 As indicated in Peter Egan's column "you don't see old sports cars on the
road anymore".  We can now, during this week in May, get our cars out on the
streets at the same time and show people that our old British cars are still
part of this modern world.  Drive your car to work, to the store, pleasure
cruise, plan a rally, take the kid(s) to soccer practice, take mamma to her
aerobics class, take papa to the bowling alley.  Maybe some of you will have
an event to go to, but if you do not, don't let that stop you from getting
your car out.  

This will not only supply you with some fun (in most cases) but will give
your car some exercise.  This week of LBC's on the road in unison, will get
people talking about these cars, and hopefully catch the eyes of some little
dreamer who might want to own one someday and help continue this fun hobby in
future years, when we're spending all of our time in our converted bucket
seat rocking chairs.  And hopefully when you're out in your car, you'll see
another British car enthusiast to wave to.

Most of you have seen the Editors list, and can use this to help notify
clubs, news letters, magazines etc... of this first annual event.  If you do
notify a club, please drop me an e-mail and let me know.  I can then keep a
record of who has been notified and send it (short version) to the list
periodically or to individuals as requested.

I realize some of you are able to get your cars out almost year around, but
as a whole, most of us have a driving season and tend to work on our cars
more often, during the off season.  This week will give those people a target
to shoot for, helping them to get their car ready in time for spring.

If we want these British cars around for many years to come, we need to
promote them in some bigger way as a whole group, nut just in small groups
scattered around the globe.

Safety  fast!

P.S.  If you need a copy of the Editors list, send mail to  
with the command>   get mgs editors  <then you will recieve the list via
return e-mail.

Scott in Northern Indiana  TRMGAFUN@AOL.COM
1958 MGA  HDA4346400
1958 TR3A TS35306L
1958 100/6  BN4L 0 49881

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