Odd Hedberg
what would you use to fulfil the term oil--3:1, 10w30? 20w, 50w
IS "HYPOID OIL" what I would call grease?
??when does oil become grease ?
gary oehrle
> From: Odd Hedberg <odd@triumphclub.se>
> To: Gary Oehrle <oehrle@lsil.com>
> Gary Oehrle wrote:
> > snip...
> > These things are lubricated via grease nipple, right? Or am I
> > missing the point in the use of the word oil.
> >
> > Gary Oehrle
> > Greased!!!
> Well, Yes You are... At least when it comes to the small chassied
> Triumph vehicles with the Alford & Alder front suspension... In the
> manual for servicing the front lower swivels it clearly states -Oil.
> I quote:
> Owners handbook, part number 545017 3rd Edition 7/68, page 54.
> "Steering lower swivels (Fig. 79)
> Raise the front road wheels clear of the ground, remove the
> plug (shown arrowed) and fit a screwed grease nipple. Apply a
> grease gun filled with HYPOID OIL and pump the gun until
> oil exudes from swivel. Remove the nipple, refit the plug.
> Repeat, with the opposite steering Swivel."
> The American edition, part number 545102 1st edition 3rd printing 1/70,
> says on page 42:
> "Lower steering swivel (Fig. 58)
> Every 6,000 miles (10,000 km.) remove the plug (arrowed).
> Fit a grease nipple and apply a grease gun until oil exudes from
> the swivel. Remove the nipple and refit the plug."
> In the recommended lubricants section they state:
> British Isles:
> "Lower swivels: BP Gear Oil SAE90EP, Castrol Hypoy, Duckham's Hypoid
> 90, Esso Gear Oil GP90/140, Mobilube GX90, PetroFina Pontonic MP SAE
> 90, Regent Multigear Lubricant EP90 or Shell Spirax 90EP
> Overseas:
> "Lower swivels: API GL4, " The same brands, with the adding of TEXACO
> / CALTEX Multigear Lubricant EP90. If not below 0 Centigrade / 30
> Farenheit, then it's to be Hypoid oil with rating 80.
> North America:
> "King pin lower swivels: " and the same as above.
> I hope this clarifies things a little...
> On the heavier types of cars it's the same, as far as I can find out.
> So:
> Front swivels - Hypoid Oil.
> Bye for now,
> Odd
> --
> Odd Hedberg
> Pomonagatan 4 International liaison secretary,
> S-74236 �sthammar Triumph Club of Sweden
> Sweden '70 Spitfire Mk3 FD82497LO Signal Red
> Club URL: http://www2.passagen.se/triumph/
> E-mail: odd@triumphclub.se
> Telephone: Int+ 46-1731 7131
> Geographical Position: N 60deg15min E 18deg23min