Let's not run off upset. The lists need your input to make them what
they are. These little flare ups re: non-LBC stuff occur now and then, let
them run their naturally doomed course and get over it. Don't let this kind of
thing leave a sour's just not worth it!
Happy New Year
Chris Prugh
72 Spitfar
From: Steve Benelisha[]
Sent: Thursday, January 02, 1997 8:46 AM
To: Odd Hedberg
Subject: Re: NO LBC content software question__Let's stop this please
Sorry, I thought Ken had a good enough question that deserved a
reasonable answer. I suppose my response shows that I'm finally
ready to drive off on my own now so have fun with your list!
'74 TR6
Odd Hedberg wrote:
> Please friends,
> can't we keep religious matters, like what operating system to
> run or what brand computer to use, off of these mailing lists...
> We're here to give each other nice reading concerning our common
> interest; The Triumph Automobiles. Not on the things we disagree
> on; like race, religion, background, wealth etc, or the technical
> way we get this common information (ie the computers, be it Mac's
> PC's Unix-machines or even big old main frames...) If we turn away
> from this main stream of subjects we risk ending up in flame wars
> like the one on "Keeping the Cats off" that we had a couple of
> years ago.
> Let's start 1997 in a more nice way, friends...
> Yours
> Odd
> --
> Odd Hedberg
> Pomonagatan 4 International liaison secretary,
> S-74236 Östhammar Triumph Club of Sweden
> Sweden '70 Spitfire Mk3 FD82497LO Signal Red
> Club URL:
> E-mail:
> Telephone: Int+ 46-1731 7131
> Geographical Position: N 60deg15min E 18deg23min