In message <12F1432C84975058*/c=US/admd=ATTmail/prmd=Transam/o=tfs/s=Vin
centi/g=Ross/@MHS>, "Vincenti, Ross" <>
>Greetings all and happy new year.
>For several months now I have been searching vainly for a classic 60s era
>wood rimmed chrome spoked steering wheel to replace the black plastic one in
>my Mk I Spit. The only one I have seen is in the VB catalog but it is
>mahogany rimmed, highly polished wood and looks to be too fat in the rim
>width and too small in the circumference. I am looking for that classic
>thin rim with finger grips, light walnut or oak colored wheel as a
>replacement (in fact our 356C has exactly what I am looking for but alas
>there is no adaptor for a Porsche to Spitfire conversion). I'll also need
>an appropriate adapter to go with it (I expect that will be like finding the
>needle in the haystack). So, any leads or thoughts as to where such a gem
>might be found (new or used)?????? Thanks all.
>Ross D. Vincenti
>64 Spitfire 4
>64 Porsche 356C Coupe (next project)
Hi Moss the Triumph People do Mota-lita Wheels and Bosses for the complete
with both wood and leather rims. Thet are a big outfit so I presume they can
handle export. Their tunning guide for the range makes good reading to a it
cost thw same as the catalog (�2.50) Hope this helps
Moss Europe Ltd
22-28 Manner Road
Tel 0181 948 6666 --
David Crabtree