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BOUNCE triumphs: Non-member submission from []

To: triumphs
Subject: BOUNCE triumphs: Non-member submission from []
From: Mark J Bradakis <mjb>
Date: Tue, 10 Dec 1996 11:30:10 -0700 (MST)
     Date: Tue, 10 Dec 1996 08:52:19 +0100
     Subject: Re: Spitfire Paint

>Can anyone tell me the color name and/or paint code for my car? It is a 1971
>Spitfire, with originally (this has been paint over looks like 4
>times) a dark blue color paint, close to a navy but brighter. I think
>there were two blues made that year? Anyway, I don't have the plate with
>the original code on it, not can I find a good piece to take off to have
>it computer matched.

          Since it's a Spit 71 there're two colors that could match your
          description; Sapphire blue (code 76) and
          Valencia blue (code 66). The color of your trim can get a clue,
          sapphire blue cars came with silver grey och
          shadow blue trim, valencia blue cars came with black or tan trim.

          I suggest that you try to find a excelent book called "Triumph
          Spitfire and GT6- a guide to originality" by
          John Thomason. This book includes color-samples, lists of combination
          between body-color and trim,
          modifications, accessories etc.

          Best regards

          Stefan Axelsson

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