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Re: engine oil TR3A

Subject: Re: engine oil TR3A
From: jacad <>
Date: Sat, 23 Nov 1996 08:36:37 -0500
References: <>
> Date: Fri, 22 Nov 1996 06:17:38 EST
> From: (Jack I Brooks)
> Subject: Engine oil weight - TR3
> As a new owner of a TR3, I am curious about the groups preference for
> engine oil weight.  I know it will be determined by your local
> temperatures, but I am interested in hearing if anyone has developed a
> preference or have experience for single grades over multigrades or vice
> versa.
> I live in New Jersey.  The car will not see  startup or storage
> temperatures below 40�F, even if I take it out during the winter because
> the garage is attached and stays a little warm.  I am contemplating using
> a straight 30 or 40 wt.  Anyone with experience out there?
> Thanks in advance.
> Jack Brooks
> Hillsdale, New Jersey
> 1960 TR3-A TS69032L


 My preference Castrol 20W-50 for your motor and Valvoline 20-50 Racing 
oil for your transmission.

Barry Shefner
59 TR3A OTS57675

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