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flexible brake lines check em

Subject: flexible brake lines check em
From: (Kris Cotton)
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 1996 10:14:39 GMT
Sorry if this has been raised before but thought it worthwhile
I have recently seen a lady with a problem (no not me!)she had her brakes on
a Herald relined etc and 6 months later comes to me as a advisor (poor girl)
her brakes are shot on both rear wheels apart from tring to obtain
cvompensation prior to this different story anyway. She had been accused of
driving with her foot on the brake(must be the first automatic herald
anywhere), handbrake on etc etc.
To cut a long story short the rear rubber hoses had perished on the internal
bore( the external of the hose looked & felt ok )and you could just squeeze
enough fluid through to operate the brakes but the return spring could not
release the brakes fully leading to an early failure.
& I wish there was a spell check here.
Tony   Aust.

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