At 04:43 PM 6/14/96 MDT,I wrote:
>>>Greetings !
The rear-end on the GT6 in the junkyard just doesn't want to come out. It
>>but I can't get it. Here is what I did.
>> Disconnected and dropped the prop shaft. (anyone need it?)
>> Removed the 4 bolts on the axles near the diff on both sides
>> of the car. One axle moved away, but the other seems to be stuck to
>> the rear end mounts.
>> Removed that nearly foot long bolt holding the rear-end in place.
>> Removed the six nuts on top of the leaf spring.
>> Removed the 2 nuts holding the front of the rear-end in place.
>> I am forgetting something?.
The consensus of the group seems to be that I didn't apply enough 'brute'
force. The earred part of the diff that goes into the u-shaped channels has
a tendency to get sort of pinched in place. I was a bit weak at that time
having been there for 5 or so hours in 92 degrees heat. I was going into
the beginning stages of sun stroke (seriously) and packed up and went home.
The glossy pages of the Kippings catalogue that I had brought along for
reference had melted and stuck together.I shall returned againg tomorrow
with more 'persuaders', a new attitude, and renewed strength. I shall keep
you posted.
Thanks for all the responses,
Dano (hates the smell of trans/diff fluid)
71 Bond Equipe