>Hi all -
>When I look at the title to my TR-4 it says that I have a '63.
>Looking at my Commission number of CT13648LO, and the Moss catalogue, I am
>lead to believe that I actually own a '62. Actually, a '62 with an engine
>that is not original, judging by the CT57318E engine number. Also, I have
>the Zenith carbs, not the SUs. Is CT13648LO a '62 or '63? Does LO imply
>overdrive? (I don't have overdrive so my tranny is a swap out too I'm
>Also, reading 'Original TR', I see only pictures of a white metal dash in
>the displayed TR-4s. Moss lists parts for both a metal and wood dash. I
>have a wood dash. Which is 'correct' for this car?
>I also have seats that appear to have a much taller back than anything in a
>TR-4 or 4A. Anyone have some original seats?
>I love the car, original or not, but I am curious about these things.
>Tom Niccum
Back when they were new, lots of our British cars were titled as new in
the year they were sold. So, if a 62 sat on a lot for a year and a half,
it was titled as a 64. Get the idea. A lovely lot those dealers of yore.
Mounting hardware on seat is very general, lots of seat fiit lots of
cars. If you have "hi-backs", they could be anything from Spitfire to TR6.
A quick reference is to check the seat diagrams in say, the Vicky Brit
catalogue and see if your seats are shown. Try to match up the pattern of
panels or stitching.
Sorry couldn't be more help.
Best Regards,