>Alternatively, If Bob Sykes is listening, he got a UK SU setup from a
>company I
>found here in England for him, can't remember how much he paid(But
>I'm sure it
>was less than $200), but the company was called Spitbitz, I'll find
>the phone
>number if anyone wants it??
>OK Bob, inform us all!!! :-)
Well I can't say exactly how much the carb / manifold was,
because it was a birthday present. I did call Spitbitz
initially to make sure they had what I needed. I'm pretty
sure the carb & manifold set were 40 - 50 UKP.
The final cost will be a little more. I need to convert
these to "non-waxstat". They will also be rebuilt, and
I will need to get some air filters and various gaskets etc.
Can't wait to actually run them on the car ! Also can't
wait to read the TSSC Area news to see what this is all
about ;-)