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Re: Engine painting, vendor kvetching, and Spitfires

To: (Larry E. Snyder 314-694-3626),
Subject: Re: Engine painting, vendor kvetching, and Spitfires
From: (John Wroclawski)
Date: Thu, 9 May 1996 14:45:29 -0400
At 1:02 PM 5/9/96, (Larry E. Snyder >
>As for the TRF thread, I simply wanted to air my opinions about their
>latest flyer.
>If you don't agree, that's fine with me. If we all swam together like
>a school of fish, this would be a pretty boring world, wouldn't it?


As it happens I agree with much of your opinion. The counter-point is that
TRF, unlike many of the other vendors, has both the willingness -and- the
ability (size, contacts in the industry) to put some of our money back into
the hobby by re-remanufacturing long-absent parts and so on. The previously
mentioned green TR6 hoses are a nice example; time has shown that no-one
-else- in this game is nuts enough to stick with that project for years
until he finally pulls it off.

It seems to me that if Charles' silly bear bothers you to the point of
taking your business elsewhere, we all lose a little bit. That worries me.
So at a minimum, I hope that those of us who are a bit put off by TRF's
actions will at least take the time to let them know what is important and
what is not important to us, rather than just quietly assuming that they've
lost their marbles and wandering off to someplace else.


John Wroclawski

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