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Re: british auto parts

Subject: Re: british auto parts
From: aj253@rgfn.epcc.Edu (Tony Robinson)
Date: Tue, 7 May 96 13:35:55 MDT

>I have read your comments on the net with much interest and amazement over
>the past many months.  No one I ever knew is as knowledgeable and as helpfull
>as you appear to be to every body you correspond with.  Thanks for sharing!  
>My turn to pick your brain.  In your logical and seemingly correct comments
>to Tim re: his TR4 windshield problem, you mention Dick Burger.  I recently
>read Dick's home page and then sent him a list of parts I need for the major
>rebuild of my TR3 engine.  He sent me a quote that was really amazing (20% to
>30% off, as advertized!), plus his terms were very trusting.  My questions: 
>1. Is his company for real?  It seems almost too good to be true.
>2. According to my local "restorer" who wants cash in advance and sells at
>Moss list prices (plus shipping, of course)!  Dick Burger is probably selling
>"used parts" with "no warrantee", etc. etc.
>Sounds like sour grapes from my local guy, who "used to give 10% off to local
>TR club members" but "it didn't help the business". 
>Any comments?
>TIA, Jim Bauder

 Dick is definitely forreal.
 He is a Dealer and buys from the same places we normally buy. i.e. Vicky 
Brit, Moss, and everyone else.
 Since he hasn't got the overhead, he passes the savings on to us. So, 
the parts youo get will come from one or more of the major suppliers, in 
their bioxes, and with their invoices. 
 Dick has nothing to hide, and you can see that his profit is marginal 
because you get the invoice from the Supplier, which Dick asks that you 
send to him with your payment.
 Dick is a very trusting Soul. I can't believe there are still people 
around who do this sort of thing for people they don't even know.
 It sort of restores your faith in humanity to run across someone like Dick.
 I have no connection to Dick Burger or Briish Parts Connection, other 
than to say I have found a friend whom I have yet to meet personally, but 
one of these days I will.
 It's a two way street.
 You trust Dick, and he will trust you.
Best Regards,
Tony R.

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