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Help with a Spitfir

Subject: Help with a Spitfir
From: (Ross Vincente -- TransAmer. Financial - Los Angeles )
Date: Fri, 3 May 96 11:17:24 EDT
 To:    Triumphs List,          Inet    

On Fri.,  Kevin M Beam wrote:     a 1969 Spitfire MKIII sits in
our  garage awaiting my decision to purchase it.  The car's major
flaw  is that the floor panel has broken around the support for
the  radius arm.    With the car on stands, one can see the broken
 piece moving to and fro if one pushes the rear tire.  And, when 
accelerating or decelerating, the offend piece makes a rather 
nasty sound.  The floor panel around the radius arm mount is rust 
free.  I believe the damage occurred when the car was hit from 
the side.  The body work was done a couple of years ago.      So 
the question is:  Can this be repaired?  If so, would the car be 
*safe*?    And, any guesstimates on the cost? 

Kevin  --  first, please don't call your Spitfire a "trashcan". 
Remember, Spitfire's are Triumphs and have feelings too.

Second, YES, based upon your description of the problem it can be
fixed.  I assume that  the area of the break is the vertical
bulkhead rising up from the floor pan, and which then stops at the
little parcel shelf area behind the seats.  The bracket is bolted
to this vertical bulkhead and there are shims used to properly
space the bracket.  You would need to cut out the area and weld in
a new panel.  You'll need to have whomever does the welding be
careful to maintain the original geometry of the radius arm
attachment point.  Otherwise the radius arm may bind at the
connection point to the body or at the rear vertical support .   I
THINK there is a diagram of the chassis dimensions and body
dimensions in the Bentley Manual, but my copy is at home so I
can't say for sure.   In other words, make sure the bracket ends
up in the exact same location as in the original.

Third, YES, it will be safe as long as the welding is done
properly.  Sometimes a weld bead is stronger than the surrounding
metal.  I've seen sheared panels after an accident where a nearby
weld held up but the sheet metal sheared off.  

COST?  Depends on the skill and qualifications of the welder. 
Find the best in town and pay the extra money.  I'd figure in the
Los Angeles, CA area about $200 (includes stripping and prep
work).  It may be cheaper depending on where you live.

Last, if  you decide to pass on the car, let me know.  I may be
interested.  Good luck.

Ross D. Vincenti
64 Spitfire 4 (undergoing surgery)

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