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"Official Response"

Subject: "Official Response"
From: (Ross Vincente -- TransAmer. Financial - Los Angeles )
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 95 11:40:32 EST
 To:    Triumph List,           Inet    

 On 11/18, Brian N. (SCHWANGAU) responded to me:

>I suspect that there are quite a few owners of early to mid-70s 
>LBCs and other sports cars who do the same thing that Brian does 

"The notion never entered my mind.  How dare you suggest such a 
thing.  And my LBCs  never need repairs, either."


Brian, that brings to mind a joke I know about the 3 greatest lies
in the world . . . Okay, now I have 4!  Thanks!  Oh, BTW, please
tell the "anonymous" respondent I said "good luck" when he/she
takes in the Spitfire w/ the DGV on it.  I hope they don't catch
on and it passes w/ flying colors.

Ross D. Vincenti
64 Spitfire Mk. I, (sold the Datsun Roadster) and a cat named

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