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Re: V6-V8 Question

Subject: Re: V6-V8 Question
From: (Ross Vincente -- TransAmer. Financial - Los Angeles )
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 95 11:21:16 EST
 To:    Triumph List,           Inet    

 On Friday, 11/17, Chad McCubbins described his "Triumph" TR-7 w/
Ford V8 power . . .

"Ford 5.0L - We'll its a mean combo.  Yes the engine's heavy.  
Yes,I  broke my driveshaft.  Yes,I broke my rear end.  Yes, I 
ripped out a  rear mount.  Yes, it's been expensive.  Yes I love 
it. . . .
This year the car has been totally torn apart.  Several $$ have 
been  spent with the idea of improved weight and drivability.  
It's just  starting to move around now, but with headlights and 
stuff left to fix  and a trip to the exhaust shop. . . .
When new combo is totally street ready, I'm off to get some times 
and  I'll report them here!  . . ."

Ummmm, excuse me for possibly being accused of "flaming" someone
(it's my first time), but frankly I would be surprised if anyone
on this list gave a rat's *ss about a Ford V8 dropped into a TR7. 
I know I don't.  Hate to say it Chad, my friend, but you have way
too much time on your hands.

Ross D. Vincenti
64 Spitfire Mk. I, (sold the Datsun Roadster) and a cat named

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