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Always check your parts

Subject: Always check your parts
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 1995 13:22:29 -0400
Wordly scions,

In my quest to diagnose and cure the "death rattle",  I thought
I would fit new con rod bearings.  I called TRF, the parts were
in stock, *Great* I thought.  "I'll have this car back on the road
in short order."  The bearings arrived yesterday & I began 
preparing the car for surgery.  I got the afternoon off from work today
thinking I'll be done with it before dark.  Well a Spitfire owning
friend was looking at the parts box and says to me -
"Hey this says .010" here".  I had ordered standard size bearings.
Sure enough there were two conflicting labels on the box.  The
original printing on the box *under* the computer printed label
also said .010" .  They were, however, genuine Vandervell bearings
which I'm led to believe are "good ones".  The correct parts are
supposedly on the way, but that doesn't help me right now.  The moral
of the story has been stated before here but....
*Always check your parts*  ( I didn't)
TRF were courteous, but made no offers to overnight the correct parts,
in fact they wanted to charge me for the correct parts & then credit
my account when I returned the wrong ones.  If I had proceeded to 
install these oversize bearings, the consequences would be very
unpleasant to contemplate.

Bob "NOT working on his car today" Sykes
75, 78, 78 Spitfires

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