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Re: Starter whirrs

To: (Ted Blank; Webworks),
Subject: Re: Starter whirrs
From: "Chris Boston" <>
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 1995 08:01:21 +0000 "Starter whirrs" (Oct 7, 3:21pm)
References: <v01510103ac9c4a79a704@[]>
On Oct 7,  3:21pm, Ted Blank; Webworks wrote:

> The starter won't crank the engine!.  I get a strong whirr from the starter
> moter but it doesn't seem to be engaging the engine.  Is this a bad starter
> or should I look elsewhere before considering rebuild or replace?

>-- End of excerpt from Ted Blank; Webworks

Well Ted,

A non-starting engine sounds like a good place to start.

The first thing to check would be the lead from your coil to your distributer.
 If this is faulty or disconnected, your simptoms would ensue.

best wishes,

       1977 - Spitfire 1500 O/D. (Everyday/Only Driver)

-- "What is the use ", asked Alice, "Of a book with no pictures?"

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