--Boundary (ID 8rQlHcgrlWkYR3yHV5ijtQ)
[**** Insert text here ****]
Hello all,
Heres a message that I just recieved from a friend concerning his Spitfire,
just thought I'd post it as I find it both annoying and amusing.
its a shame that there is that kind of element in the old car cirlces.
--Boundary (ID 8rQlHcgrlWkYR3yHV5ijtQ)
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Date: Tue, 05 Sep 1995 13:13:28 +0100
From: Tim Richardson <trichard@lhr-co.bru-ro.DHL.COM>
Subject: Re: Cambridge Show
To: RICHARD.JACKSON@nene.ac.uk
%FROM trichard
%SUBJECT Re: Cambridge Show
%DATE 05/09/95 13:13
When I came back to London after my break I found that
somebody had broken into the spitfire. But the stereo was
not missing. Strange hey.~
It gets more interesting, they brock in by unclipping the
hood then unbolting the two bolts holding it down at the
rear, then they started to dismantle the frame. And they did
not even steal the speakers that were in the rear panel -
that I had removed because I was working on the diff' !!!~
I think that they were not trying to steal the stereo, and
they were after the roof itself.!!~
Got to go~
--Boundary (ID 8rQlHcgrlWkYR3yHV5ijtQ)--