> I have come by a box of 4 pistons as part of a purchase of some old Saab
> parts (long story having to do with trying to keep my Sonett as a daily
> driver until the TR6 is drivable).
> The box contains four new pistons with rings and is labelled:
> Hepolite
> 18796/K STD suitable for Triumph
> Original Bore 3.4247"/86.987mm
> BH17 0102
> Handwritten on the box is SA 47930/STD or possibly 5A 47930/STD.
> Anyone know what these fit? The fellow that I got them from didn't
> think they were for a Triumph, but possibly the old 99 with the Triumph
> engine.
They're for the Dolomite 1850 engine, also used in the Saab 99.
*Maybe* suit some TR7 configurations, and possibly Stag (twinned
Dolomite engines).
> Anyone want them? If so, make some unreasonably low offer and they are
> yours.
Well, if you can't find a local buyer, let me know!
John Laidler | johnl@zeta.org.au | (+612) 519 3912
68 Applebee St. St Peters N.S.W. 2044 Australia
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