team-thicko (date)
May 18, 2005
- Re: Dream Farm first laps, emanteno, 18:24
- Re: Dream Farm first laps, craig bielat, 18:07
- Dream Farm first laps, Wm. Severin Thompson, 17:03
- Re: RIP, you bastard, Peter C., 16:23
- RIP, you bastard, Wm. Severin Thompson, 15:24
- Reason to Head North,, 11:43
- Re: accident details, Dan, 07:01
May 17, 2005
- Damnit, Wm. Severin Thompson, 19:55
- Wisdom of the littlest Thicko, Ron Soave, 19:35
- Exodus to the Cheddar Curtain, Wm. Severin Thompson, 19:28
- SCCA link, Wm. Severin Thompson, 15:04
- accident details, Wm. Severin Thompson, 15:01
- corner worker killed, Wm. Severin Thompson, 14:59
May 07, 2005
- Bugeye Seats, Larry Daniels, 07:36
- Re: well, it's official, Larry Daniels, 07:04
- RE: well, it's official, Wm. Severin Thompson, 05:47
- Re: well, it's official, Dan, 01:10