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Thank you Stan for all you do as our Group 2 leader
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From: stanbmason@aol.com <stanbmason@aol.com>
Sent: Tuesday, May 9, 2023 9:24:00 AM
To: allmedsys@bwig.net <allmedsys@bwig.net>; andrew.more.fsae@gmail.com <an=
drew.more.fsae@gmail.com>; attlastt@frontier.net <attlastt@frontier.net>; b=
mwwxman@gmail.com <bmwwxman@gmail.com>; buckleyproperties@gmail.com <buckle=
yproperties@gmail.com>; bugeyedave@aol.com <bugeyedave@aol.com>; buks62500@=
yahoo.com <buks62500@yahoo.com>; cana.comer@gmail.com <cana.comer@gmail.com=
>; ccstickleback@yahoo.com <ccstickleback@yahoo.com>; Charles Hall III <cha=
rlie@charles-hall.com>; chia219@comcast.net <chia219@comcast.net>; christop=
her.beukema@gmail.com <christopher.beukema@gmail.com>; cjracr@hotmail.com <=
cjracr@hotmail.com>; clancy@sunflower.com <clancy@sunflower.com>; colin@col=
insclassicauto.com <colin@colinsclassicauto.com>; cseifert@tombrowninc.com =
<cseifert@tombrowninc.com>; d.walters@lackstrim.com <d.walters@lackstrim.co=
m>; dbkessinger@comcast.net <dbkessinger@comcast.net>; dbrown07@aol.com <db=
rown07@aol.com>; dbruce@taborbruce.com <dbruce@taborbruce.com>; deikis@gmai=
l.com <deikis@gmail.com>; derekchima@hotmail.com <derekchima@hotmail.com>; =
devildogracing9@gmail.com <devildogracing9@gmail.com>; dick@mgcarclub.com <=
dick@mgcarclub.com>; dlee1967@sbcglobal.net <dlee1967@sbcglobal.net>; dswee=
t3193@aol.com <dsweet3193@aol.com>; dynamic881961@yahoo.com <dynamic881961@=
yahoo.com>; edwardhinsa@gmail.com <edwardhinsa@gmail.com>; edwforrest@gmail=
.com <edwforrest@gmail.com>; ellie@stagecraftplayers.com <ellie@stagecraftp=
layers.com>; ezanner@gmail.com <ezanner@gmail.com>; fishnet@essex1.com <fis=
hnet@essex1.com>; gary.perser@gmail.com <gary.perser@gmail.com>; happykozfa=
m@comcast.net <happykozfam@comcast.net>; hcgracing@aol.com <hcgracing@aol.c=
om>; jbtruck@dwave.net <jbtruck@dwave.net>; jdonato@donatoandsonsmotors.com=
<jdonato@donatoandsonsmotors.com>; jeff.bakker@yahoo.com <jeff.bakker@yaho=
o.com>; jeff@mozer.com <jeff@mozer.com>; k_hund59@yahoo.com <k_hund59@yahoo=
.com>; kekjacobsen@yahoo.com <kekjacobsen@yahoo.com>; kered_2004@yahoo.com =
<kered_2004@yahoo.com>; kirkkos@yahoo.com <kirkkos@yahoo.com>; larsmg@aol.c=
om <larsmg@aol.com>; maxspeedwell773@gmail.com <maxspeedwell773@gmail.com>;=
mccormackr@hss.edu <mccormackr@hss.edu>; mg72racer@juno.com <mg72racer@jun=
o.com>; mgvadick@aol.com <mgvadick@aol.com>; mmaehling@comcast.net <mmaehli=
ng@comcast.net>; mowogbill@yahoo.com <mowogbill@yahoo.com>; nadadawgracing@=
yahoo.com <nadadawgracing@yahoo.com>; pauljharris914@yahoo.com <pauljharris=
914@yahoo.com>; ptgbhtl@aol.com <ptgbhtl@aol.com>; racingred69midget@rogers=
.com <racingred69midget@rogers.com>; refisk@chartermi.net <refisk@chartermi=
.net>; rfheil@aol.com <rfheil@aol.com>; rickdmichalek@gmail.com <rickdmicha=
lek@gmail.com>; rob.futcher@yahoo.com <rob.futcher@yahoo.com>; ron.bartell@=
comcast.net <ron.bartell@comcast.net>; saeppli@aol.com <saeppli@aol.com>; s=
alisje@comcast.net <salisje@comcast.net>; sarl45@hotmail.com <sarl45@hotmai=
l.com>; scthsc47@gmail.com <scthsc47@gmail.com>; skip.meyer@ymail.com <skip=
.meyer@ymail.com>; slugthemtrhd@suddenlink.net <slugthemtrhd@suddenlink.net=
>; soavero@yahoo.com <soavero@yahoo.com>; spridget72@yahoo.com <spridget72@=
yahoo.com>; spridget@aol.com <spridget@aol.com>; spridgetech@ameritech.net =
<spridgetech@ameritech.net>; spridgets@autox.team.net <spridgets@autox.team=
.net>; steve.bisson@yahoo.com <steve.bisson@yahoo.com>; steve@onecoleman.co=
m <steve@onecoleman.com>; steve@skunkriverresto.com <steve@skunkriverresto.=
com>; stevebest3131@gmail.com <stevebest3131@gmail.com>; stevewright9928@gm=
ail.com <stevewright9928@gmail.com>; stine.jason@gmail.com <stine.jason@gma=
il.com>; swindrace@aol.com <swindrace@aol.com>; swope66@aol.com <swope66@ao=
l.com>; ta.wilcox57@gmail.com <ta.wilcox57@gmail.com>; tcspeedwell@gmail.co=
m <tcspeedwell@gmail.com>; ted@hoyes.com <ted@hoyes.com>; terry@toyshop-res=
to.com <terry@toyshop-resto.com>; thadevans@windstream.net <thadevans@winds=
tream.net>; thershey@frontiernet.net <thershey@frontiernet.net>; tlcnam@aol=
.com <tlcnam@aol.com>; tmoran@moranconstruction.com <tmoran@moranconstructi=
on.com>; tom.daly@westsidevw.com <tom.daly@westsidevw.com>; viggen@bellsout=
h.net <viggen@bellsouth.net>; w1979mgb@comcast.net <w1979mgb@comcast.net>; =
walt@freckmannart.com <walt@freckmannart.com>; wc@spridget.com <wc@spridget=
.com>; wrtr@aol.com <wrtr@aol.com>; wsthompson@thicko.com <wsthompson@thick=
Subject: GMan Spridget Weekend
Great Weekend at Gingerman for Sprites and Midget Racers,
Driver School maintained it's VSCDA reputation as one of the best, especial=
ly for Graduating Spridget Racers Mike Atkins borrowing Jeff Freer's Sprite=
, Dan Rudd using the same car that his son Dominic drove at last year's Dri=
ver School along with Charlie Hall's Daughter Jesica driving Dad's car. Th=
is was Mike Atkins first experience of being on track and I was proud to be=
his instructor and see the great progress that he made through the weekend=
and was a model focused safe student. Dan Rudd has had Go Kart experience=
with his Son Dominick along with Jim Russel School experience. They both =
have Square Body Spridgets that they hope to be enjoying together. Charlie=
has wanted Jessica to attend Driver School for sometime and glad to see it=
happened this year. Jessica express frustration of not being able to appl=
y what she had hoped. Roger Heil being the excellent Driving Instructor th=
at he has been over the past 15 plus years knew exactly what to say and she=
sucessfully jumped back on that horse and gained a new awareness that she =
enjoyed. The weekend was warm with Friday Driver School Sunny and Clear. S=
aturday was a mixed bag with some rain and slippery condition followed by r=
ain again in the morning on Sunday followed by glorious sunshine in the aft=
ernoon including the Spridget Race. We had an excpetional 17 Spridgets all=
with Driver School and Racing. Dave Kessinger and Mark Maehling from Pit=
tsburgh, Tom Cole and Bob Kansas returning from Ohio. Rick Michalek from I=
owa. It was great on and off the track with lots of support particularly f=
or students with the unselfishness of Sprite Midget Race Series Members.
There are some great shots of the weekend through VSCDA Facebook Site and s=
ome for sale. I think we had 3 professional photographers there. I attach=
ed some shots that were once I was interested in.
Next Stop is Blackhawk Farms June 16-18. I will not be attending this year=
and I am looking for someone to assist with Spridget Paddock and Saturday =
Sunday Brat Lunch at BHF. Tom Wilcox has generously took on this role in t=
he past, but now is the Event Co-Chair of this event and needs to focus on =
running this great event.
Our end of season awards will be at Grattan again this year August 11-13. =
I am interested in suggestions for awards in the future, we had navy blue =
baseball hats with SMRS logo on front and top 3 positions on back. I am co=
nsidering doing something similar and add the year to the back as well.
Enjoy a Spridgetly Life of Excitment!
Stan Mason
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<meta http-equiv=3D"Content-Type" content=3D"text/html; charset=3Dus-ascii"=
<div dir=3D"ltr">Thank you Stan for all you do as our Group 2 leader <=
<div id=3D"ms-outlook-mobile-signature">
Get <a href=3D"https://aka.ms/o0ukef">Outlook for iOS</a></div>
<hr style=3D"display:inline-block;width:98%" tabindex=3D"-1">
<div id=3D"divRplyFwdMsg" dir=3D"ltr"><font face=3D"Calibri, sans-serif" st=
yle=3D"font-size:11pt" color=3D"#000000"><b>From:</b> stanbmason@aol.com &l=
<b>Sent:</b> Tuesday, May 9, 2023 9:24:00 AM<br>
<b>To:</b> allmedsys@bwig.net <allmedsys@bwig.net>; andrew.more.fsae@=
gmail.com <andrew.more.fsae@gmail.com>; attlastt@frontier.net <att=
lastt@frontier.net>; bmwwxman@gmail.com <bmwwxman@gmail.com>; buck=
leyproperties@gmail.com <buckleyproperties@gmail.com>; bugeyedave@aol=
<bugeyedave@aol.com>; buks62500@yahoo.com <buks62500@yahoo.com>=
;; cana.comer@gmail.com <cana.comer@gmail.com>; ccstickleback@yahoo.c=
om <ccstickleback@yahoo.com>; Charles Hall III <charlie@charles-ha=
ll.com>; chia219@comcast.net <chia219@comcast.net>; christopher.be=
<christopher.beukema@gmail.com>; cjracr@hotmail.com <cjracr@hotma=
il.com>; clancy@sunflower.com <clancy@sunflower.com>; colin@colins=
classicauto.com <colin@colinsclassicauto.com>; cseifert@tombrowninc.c=
om <cseifert@tombrowninc.com>; d.walters@lackstrim.com <d.walters@=
dbkessinger@comcast.net <dbkessinger@comcast.net>; dbrown07@aol.com =
<dbrown07@aol.com>; dbruce@taborbruce.com <dbruce@taborbruce.com&g=
t;; deikis@gmail.com <deikis@gmail.com>; derekchima@hotmail.com <d=
erekchima@hotmail.com>; devildogracing9@gmail.com <devildogracing9@gm=
dick@mgcarclub.com <dick@mgcarclub.com>; dlee1967@sbcglobal.net <=
dlee1967@sbcglobal.net>; dsweet3193@aol.com <dsweet3193@aol.com>; =
dynamic881961@yahoo.com <dynamic881961@yahoo.com>; edwardhinsa@gmail.=
com <edwardhinsa@gmail.com>; edwforrest@gmail.com <edwforrest@gmai=
ellie@stagecraftplayers.com <ellie@stagecraftplayers.com>; ezanner@g=
mail.com <ezanner@gmail.com>; fishnet@essex1.com <fishnet@essex1.c=
om>; gary.perser@gmail.com <gary.perser@gmail.com>; happykozfam@co=
mcast.net <happykozfam@comcast.net>; hcgracing@aol.com <hcgracing@=
jbtruck@dwave.net <jbtruck@dwave.net>; jdonato@donatoandsonsmotors.c=
om <jdonato@donatoandsonsmotors.com>; jeff.bakker@yahoo.com <jeff.=
bakker@yahoo.com>; jeff@mozer.com <jeff@mozer.com>; k_hund59@yahoo=
.com <k_hund59@yahoo.com>; kekjacobsen@yahoo.com <kekjacobsen@yaho=
kered_2004@yahoo.com <kered_2004@yahoo.com>; kirkkos@yahoo.com <k=
irkkos@yahoo.com>; larsmg@aol.com <larsmg@aol.com>; maxspeedwell77=
3@gmail.com <maxspeedwell773@gmail.com>; mccormackr@hss.edu <mccor=
mackr@hss.edu>; mg72racer@juno.com <mg72racer@juno.com>; mgvadick@=
<mgvadick@aol.com>; mmaehling@comcast.net <mmaehling@comcast.net&=
gt;; mowogbill@yahoo.com <mowogbill@yahoo.com>; nadadawgracing@yahoo.=
com <nadadawgracing@yahoo.com>; pauljharris914@yahoo.com <pauljhar=
ris914@yahoo.com>; ptgbhtl@aol.com <ptgbhtl@aol.com>; racingred69m=
<racingred69midget@rogers.com>; refisk@chartermi.net <refisk@char=
termi.net>; rfheil@aol.com <rfheil@aol.com>; rickdmichalek@gmail.c=
om <rickdmichalek@gmail.com>; rob.futcher@yahoo.com <rob.futcher@y=
ahoo.com>; ron.bartell@comcast.net <ron.bartell@comcast.net>;
saeppli@aol.com <saeppli@aol.com>; salisje@comcast.net <salisje@c=
omcast.net>; sarl45@hotmail.com <sarl45@hotmail.com>; scthsc47@gma=
il.com <scthsc47@gmail.com>; skip.meyer@ymail.com <skip.meyer@ymai=
l.com>; slugthemtrhd@suddenlink.net <slugthemtrhd@suddenlink.net>;
soavero@yahoo.com <soavero@yahoo.com>; spridget72@yahoo.com <spri=
dget72@yahoo.com>; spridget@aol.com <spridget@aol.com>; spridgetec=
h@ameritech.net <spridgetech@ameritech.net>; spridgets@autox.team.net=
<spridgets@autox.team.net>; steve.bisson@yahoo.com <steve.bisson@=
steve@onecoleman.com <steve@onecoleman.com>; steve@skunkriverresto.c=
om <steve@skunkriverresto.com>; stevebest3131@gmail.com <stevebest=
3131@gmail.com>; stevewright9928@gmail.com <stevewright9928@gmail.com=
>; stine.jason@gmail.com <stine.jason@gmail.com>; swindrace@aol.co=
<swindrace@aol.com>; swope66@aol.com <swope66@aol.com>; ta.wil=
cox57@gmail.com <ta.wilcox57@gmail.com>; tcspeedwell@gmail.com <tc=
speedwell@gmail.com>; ted@hoyes.com <ted@hoyes.com>; terry@toyshop=
-resto.com <terry@toyshop-resto.com>; thadevans@windstream.net
<thadevans@windstream.net>; thershey@frontiernet.net <thershey@fr=
ontiernet.net>; tlcnam@aol.com <tlcnam@aol.com>; tmoran@moranconst=
ruction.com <tmoran@moranconstruction.com>; tom.daly@westsidevw.com &=
lt;tom.daly@westsidevw.com>; viggen@bellsouth.net <viggen@bellsouth.n=
w1979mgb@comcast.net <w1979mgb@comcast.net>; walt@freckmannart.com &=
lt;walt@freckmannart.com>; wc@spridget.com <wc@spridget.com>; wrtr=
@aol.com <wrtr@aol.com>; wsthompson@thicko.com <wsthompson@thicko.=
<b>Subject:</b> GMan Spridget Weekend</font>
<div> </div>
<div style=3D"color:black; font:10pt arial">Great Weekend at Gingerman for =
Sprites and Midget Racers,
<div>Driver School maintained it's VSCDA reputation as one of the best, esp=
ecially for Graduating Spridget Racers Mike Atkins borrowing Jeff Freer's S=
prite, Dan Rudd using the same car that his son Dominic drove at last year'=
s Driver School along with Charlie
Hall's Daughter Jesica driving Dad's car. This was Mike Atkins first=
experience of being on track and I was proud to be his instructor and see =
the great progress that he made through the weekend and was a model focused=
safe student. Dan Rudd has had Go Kart
experience with his Son Dominick along with Jim Russel School experience.&=
nbsp; They both have Square Body Spridgets that they hope to be enjoying to=
gether. Charlie has wanted Jessica to attend Driver School for someti=
me and glad to see it happened this year.
Jessica express frustration of not being able to apply what she had hoped.=
Roger Heil being the excellent Driving Instructor that he has been o=
ver the past 15 plus years knew exactly what to say and she sucessfully jum=
ped back on that horse and gained a new
awareness that she enjoyed. The weekend was warm with Friday Driver School=
Sunny and Clear. Saturday was a mixed bag with some rain and slipper=
y condition followed by rain again in the morning on Sunday followed by glo=
rious sunshine in the afternoon including
the Spridget Race. We had an excpetional 17 Spridgets all with Drive=
r School and Racing. Dave Kessinger and Mark Maehling from Pitt=
sburgh, Tom Cole and Bob Kansas returning from Ohio. Rick Michalek fr=
om Iowa. It was great on and off the track with lots
of support particularly for students with the unselfishness of Sprite Midg=
et Race Series Members.</div>
<div>There are some great shots of the weekend through VSCDA Facebook Site =
and some for sale. I think we had 3 professional photographers there.=
I attached some shots that were once I was interested in.</div>
<div>Next Stop is Blackhawk Farms June 16-18. I will not be attending=
this year and I am looking for someone to assist with Spridget Paddock and=
Saturday Sunday Brat Lunch at BHF. Tom Wilcox has generously took on=
this role in the past, but now is the Event
Co-Chair of this event and needs to focus on running this great event.</di=
<div>Our end of season awards will be at Grattan again this year August 11-=
13. I am interested in suggestions for awards in the future, we=
had navy blue baseball hats with SMRS logo on front and top 3 positions on=
back. I am considering doing something similar
and add the year to the back as well.</div>
<div>Enjoy a Spridgetly Life of Excitment!</div>
<div>Stan Mason</div>
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Archive: http://www.team.net/pipermail/spridgets http://autox.team.net/archive