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Re: [Spridgets] Bugeye Losing Power

To: <spridgets@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: [Spridgets] Bugeye Losing Power
From: Bill Miller - LBCs via Spridgets <spridgets@autox.team.net>
Date: Fri, 7 Oct 2022 11:35:16 -0400
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Feedback-id: dfw:ctl:res:onyx
References: <1903443763.6027477.1665139113685.ref@mail.yahoo.com> <1903443763.6027477.1665139113685@mail.yahoo.com>
Thread-index: AQGh5dX5oSmpoerYHH5Xc1xXKc7gjABYFDhzrm43RtA=
I had a similar problem one with another LBC and it wound up that the fuel
tank vent was plugged.  Basically fuel could not flow unless there was air.
Took me forever to figure that one out.  Worked fine for about 30 minutes
and then would fuel starve.  Park it and within 30 minutes it would run for
another 30 minutes.   Figured it out by leaving the cap off/loose.    Right
after it dies, open the cap, do you hear rushing noise?  Will it start right
back up?



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