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You beat me to that post
Les Myers PDLJMPR is still out there on the internet
Fond memories=20
Sent from my iPad
> On Mar 9, 2020, at 6:47 AM, Kevin Valentine via Spridgets <spridgets@autox=
.team.net> wrote:
> Alt conversion written by Frank many years ago;
> Alternator Conversion - by Frank Clarici
> Items needed:
> 1 Mitsubitshi alternator
> 1 GM swoop alt. bracket
> 6'' of 3/8 id steel pipe
> 3/8 X 8" bolt and nut
> 3/8 drill bit
> This conversion allows the use of halogen headlamps, cd players, and ends y=
our generator worries for good it also eliminates your Lucas voltage regulat=
or. 2 hours is all the time it should take after you aquire all the needed i=
> 1st pick up a good used mitsubisi alternator from your local bone yard, be=
sure it has a vee belt pulley and not a drive belt pulley, the pulley shoul=
d look like the one on your generator. Late 80s mazda or mitsubitshi.
> Next, while at the bone yard pick up an alternator bracket from a GM car o=
r truck, it is curved, not straight like your generator bracket.
> Stop at a hardware store and pick up a 3/8 X 8 inch long bolt, nut, and lo=
ck washer. Also ask the clerk for a 3/8 ID X 6 inch long galvanized pipe nip=
ple, and a new sharp 3/8 drill bit if you do not own one.
> Back at the Sprite, remove the generator and bracket from the front of the=
> Hold the alternator up into position and site the curved bracket for lengt=
h, you may have to cut it down. Keep the slotted part towards the alternator=
, cut the other end where it bolts to the engine.
> Now you may have to drill a 3/8 hole in the bracket to fit your mounting p=
oint on the front of the engine, be sure your stock size fan belt will fit b=
efore you drill. Now drill out the 5/16 " hole on the waterpump ear to 3/8".=
Also drill out the rear mounting bracket hole to 3/8".
> Insert the 8" long bolt through the rear bracket into the alternator and t=
hrough the waterpump ear. ( this replaces the 2 5/16 " bolts from the gen.) d=
o not put the nut on yet.
> With the long bolt in place measure the space between the rear bracket and=
the alt., cut a piece of pipe to take up the space, this is better then a l=
ot of washers, next cut another piece of pipe to fit in between the alternat=
or. Run the 3/8 drill bit through the pipes so that the bolt fits snug insid=
e the pipe.
> Mount the alternator tighten the fan belt check clearance at the right sho=
ck it should be close but not touching it.
> Now for the wiring
> The large wire from the generator now goes to the large lead of the altern=
> The small (field) wire goes on one of the small terminals, this will be yo=
ur indicator warning lamp wire.
> At the voltage regulator remove the wire from terminal ( F ) remove both w=
ires from terminal ( D ) connect the smaller of the ( D ) wires to the wire f=
rom ( F ).
> Connect the larger of the ( D ) wires to the wires from terminals ( A ) an=
d ( A!) The only wire left on your regulator should be ( E ) the ground , it=
's not needed.
> Start up the car and check for smoke leaking out of your wiring harness, i=
f no smoke you are successful.
> You can remove your regulator or use it as a junction box for the new wiri=
ng . If you use it as a Junction box you will have to cut out the guts, just=
be sure that the large brown, brown with blue, and brown with yellow wires a=
re connected together, and that the small brown with yellow is connected to t=
he small brown with green ( field to indicator lamp.)
> If you do NOT agree with these ideas, if you are "mechanically challenged"=
or are just down right "stupid" I suggest you perchase New parts from a sup=
plier of your choice and have a local shop do this work for you.=20
> Frank Clarici (may be copied)
>> On Sun, Mar 8, 2020 at 11:17 PM crusaderchuck55@aol.com via Groups.Io <cr=
usaderchuck55=3Daol.com@groups.io> wrote:
>> Does anyone have a spread of years and a car line manufacturer that is a p=
referred candidate for an internally regulated alternator? =20
>> Monday I am going to the local U-Pull It junk yard. There are numerous c=
andidates to shop there. Obviously the more compact , the better for the Mi=
>> I am open to suggestions as to what I should hunt for.
>> Thank you!!
>> Chuck
>> Sent from my LG Mobile
>> _._,_._,_
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>> _._,_._,_
> ------------------------
> spridgets@autox.team.net
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<html><head><meta http-equiv=3D"content-type" content=3D"text/html; charset=3D=
utf-8"></head><body dir=3D"auto">Kevin<div>You beat me to that post</div><di=
v>Les Myers PDLJMPR is still out there on the internet</div><div>Fond memori=
es </div><div>Alan<br><br><div dir=3D"ltr">Sent from my iPad</div><div d=
ir=3D"ltr"><br><blockquote type=3D"cite">On Mar 9, 2020, at 6:47 AM, Kevin V=
alentine via Spridgets <spridgets@autox.team.net> wrote:<br><br></bloc=
kquote></div><blockquote type=3D"cite"><div dir=3D"ltr">=EF=BB=BF<div dir=3D=
"ltr">Alt conversion written by <span class=3D"gmail-il">Frank</span>&n=
bsp;many years ago;<div><br></div><div><p style=3D"color:rgb(0,0,0);font-fam=
ily:"Times New Roman";font-size:medium"><a name=3D"m_-661010030665=
4269354_Alternator"><strong><span class=3D"gmail-il">Alternator</span> =
Conversion - by <span class=3D"gmail-il">Frank</span> <span class=3D=
"gmail-il">Clarici</span></strong></a></p><p style=3D"color:rgb(0,0,0);font-=
family:"Times New Roman";font-size:medium">Items needed:<br>1 Mits=
ubitshi <span class=3D"gmail-il">alternator</span><br>1 GM swoop alt. b=
racket<br>6'' of 3/8 id steel pipe<br>3/8 X 8" bolt and nut<br>3/8 drill bit=
</p><p style=3D"color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:"Times New Roman";fon=
t-size:medium">This conversion allows the use of halogen headlamps, cd playe=
rs, and ends your generator worries for good it also eliminates your Lucas v=
oltage regulator. 2 hours is all the time it should take after you aquire al=
l the needed items.</p><ul style=3D"color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:"Times=
New Roman";font-size:medium"><li style=3D"margin-left:15px">1st pick u=
p a good used mitsubisi <span class=3D"gmail-il">alternator</span> =
;from your local bone yard, be sure it has a vee belt pulley and not a drive=
belt pulley, the pulley should look like the one on your generator. Late 80=
s mazda or mitsubitshi.</li><li style=3D"margin-left:15px">Next, while at th=
e bone yard pick up an <span class=3D"gmail-il">alternator</span> =
bracket from a GM car or truck, it is curved, not straight like your generat=
or bracket.</li><li style=3D"margin-left:15px">Stop at a hardware store and p=
ick up a 3/8 X 8 inch long bolt, nut, and lock washer. Also ask the clerk fo=
r a 3/8 ID X 6 inch long galvanized pipe nipple, and a new sharp 3/8 drill b=
it if you do not own one.</li><li style=3D"margin-left:15px">Back at the Spr=
ite, remove the generator and bracket from the front of the engine.</li><li s=
tyle=3D"margin-left:15px">Hold the <span class=3D"gmail-il">alternator<=
/span> up into position and site the curved bracket for length, you may=
have to cut it down. Keep the slotted part towards the <span class=3D"=
gmail-il">alternator</span>, cut the other end where it bolts to the engine.=
</li><li style=3D"margin-left:15px">Now you may have to drill a 3/8 hole in t=
he bracket to fit your mounting point on the front of the engine, be sure yo=
ur stock size fan belt will fit before you drill. Now drill out the 5/16 " h=
ole on the waterpump ear to 3/8". Also drill out the rear mounting bracket h=
ole to 3/8".</li><li style=3D"margin-left:15px">Insert the 8" long bolt thro=
ugh the rear bracket into the <span class=3D"gmail-il">alternator</span=
> and through the waterpump ear. ( this replaces the 2 5/16 " bolts fro=
m the gen.) do not put the nut on yet.</li><li style=3D"margin-left:15px">Wi=
th the long bolt in place measure the space between the rear bracket and the=
alt., cut a piece of pipe to take up the space, this is better then a lot o=
f washers, next cut another piece of pipe to fit in between the <span c=
lass=3D"gmail-il">alternator</span>. Run the 3/8 drill bit through the pipes=
so that the bolt fits snug inside the pipe.</li><li style=3D"margin-left:15=
px">Mount the <span class=3D"gmail-il">alternator</span> tighten t=
he fan belt check clearance at the right shock it should be close but not to=
uching it.</li></ul><p style=3D"color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:"Times New=
Roman";font-size:medium">Now for the wiring</p><ul style=3D"color:rgb(=
0,0,0);font-family:"Times New Roman";font-size:medium"><li style=3D=
"margin-left:15px">The large wire from the generator now goes to the large l=
ead of the <span class=3D"gmail-il">alternator</span>.</li><li style=3D=
"margin-left:15px">The small (field) wire goes on one of the small terminals=
, this will be your indicator warning lamp wire.</li><li style=3D"margin-lef=
t:15px">At the voltage regulator remove the wire from terminal ( F ) remove b=
oth wires from terminal ( D ) connect the smaller of the ( D ) wires to the w=
ire from ( F ).</li><li style=3D"margin-left:15px">Connect the larger of the=
( D ) wires to the wires from terminals ( A ) and ( A!) The only wire left o=
n your regulator should be ( E ) the ground , it's not needed.</li><li style=
=3D"margin-left:15px">Start up the car and check for smoke leaking out of yo=
ur wiring harness, if no smoke you are successful.</li></ul><p style=3D"colo=
r:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:"Times New Roman";font-size:medium">You c=
an remove your regulator or use it as a junction box for the new wiring . If=
you use it as a Junction box you will have to cut out the guts, just be sur=
e that the large brown, brown with blue, and brown with yellow wires are con=
nected together, and that the small brown with yellow is connected to the sm=
all brown with green ( field to indicator lamp.)<br><br>If you do NOT agree w=
ith these ideas, if you are "mechanically challenged" or are just down right=
"stupid" I suggest you perchase New parts from a supplier of your choice an=
d have a local shop do this work for you. <br><span class=3D"gmail-il">=
Frank</span> <span class=3D"gmail-il">Clarici</span> (may be copie=
d)</p></div></div><br><div class=3D"gmail_quote"><div dir=3D"ltr" class=3D"g=
mail_attr">On Sun, Mar 8, 2020 at 11:17 PM <a href=3D"mailto:crusaderchuck55=
@aol.com">crusaderchuck55@aol.com</a> via Groups.Io <crusaderchuck55=3D<a=
href=3D"mailto:aol.com@groups.io";>aol.com@groups.io</a>> wrote:<br></div=
><blockquote class=3D"gmail_quote" style=3D"margin:0px 0px 0px 0.8ex;border-=
left:1px solid rgb(204,204,204);padding-left:1ex">
<div style=3D"font-size:10pt"><div dir=3D"auto">Does anyone have a sprea=
d of years and a car line manufacturer that is a preferred candidate for an i=
nternally regulated alternator? </div><div dir=3D"auto">Monday I=
am going to the local U-Pull It junk yard. There are numerous c=
andidates to shop there. Obviously the more compact , the better for t=
he Midget.</div><div dir=3D"auto">I am open to suggestions as to what I shou=
ld hunt for.</div><div dir=3D"auto">Thank you!!</div><div dir=3D"auto">Chuck=
</div><div dir=3D"auto"><br></div><div><div dir=3D"auto" style=3D"font-size:=
9pt"><i>Sent from my LG Mobile</i></div></div></div>
<div width=3D"1" style=3D"color:white;clear:both">_._,_._,_</div>
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