One of the local club guys here in Salt Lake was helping a fellow with
his Triumph, and
the guy mentioned there was another one for sale in the neighborhood.
Turns out it
is a Sprite Mark 2. Mostly.
Gee, wonder what happened to the numbers? And the original engine?
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Bmcu] Mystery Sprite - any one missing one ?
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 21:24:53 -0600
Further to looking into this Sprite...
I went digging for the "BBhidden"BB numbers ..
The door posts revealed screw holes on both sides where a plate had been
... but no numbers
Floor cross member on right is rusted,BB I couldn'BBt see anything but
will take a closer look.
The right suspension plate, after much crud removalBB reveal HAN XXXXX
where someone had carefully and methodically obliterated the numbers ...
But the final place under the electrical cables tucked under the right
fender/wing revealed as clean as day 57700 is that a body number or part
of the VIN ?
So to the cognoscenti out there, would the original VIN have been HAN
57700 ?
Closer examination of the plate welded to left chassis leg directly
under the carbs shows it was very poor job, on thick plate and clearly
not factory, taken from something but I doubt a Sprite.
The Engine is an MGB 1.8 (18 is stamped on the rear of the casting, and
it appears an MGB gear box was used too, hence the expanded tunnel metal
work. The engine mountings up front are sitting on crude but effective I
beams about 4" deep - to get the lift required from the Sprite mount to
MGB mount ...(Compression was reasonable at 150,132,132 138)
So anyone missing a Sprite Mk II ? probably red to begin with, then
yellow and now metallic blue...