I had this once. I heated it up a bit and removed it with a wide blade
chisel at the gasket and a large hammer. It got the message.
On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 8:08 AM, Mark Haynes <haynes386 at> wrote:
> What's the list's combined expertise on removing the thermostat housing
> once
> it seems stuck forever? The thermostat on the BE needs changing (it's only
> 23
> years old at the least), and the aluminum housing doesn't want to budge. I
> don't want to bodge it using a hammer, etc., placing a 3/4" shaft into the
> outlet doesn't help it move, using a gasket scraper and a hammer to try to
> get
> under it is of no avail.
> The new gas tank is in, and I'm changing out the suspension bumpers in the
> rear after trimming the new ones down an inch (I had 15/16" of unladen
> clearance), and really want to get this taken care of so that I can drive
> it
> once the mud is gone!
> Mark Haynes
> It only goes one way-Pay it Forward
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