Looks like it's just copper tubing. Should be malleable with a few tugs
and twists or a rubber hammer to make the bends and angles anything you
need them to be. I've used regular copper tubing and routed it as my
installation dictated.
On 11/8/2011 10:48 AM, Robert Weeks wrote:
> Not exactly an attempted install, but a photo with the old pipe
> installed and the new one positioned in approximately the right place.
> What the photo doesn't show is that as you press the new pipe down
> into the radiator hose the intake manifold is in the way:
> http://www.white-weeks.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/mock-install.jpg
> Also just for good measure, the VB catalog shows the pipe with the
> correct bend:
> http://www.victoriabritish.com/icatalog/sm/full.aspx?Page=55
> Robert
> On 11/7/11 10:51 PM, " Just Brits " Shop wrote:
>> Ditto, Bob.
>> *********************************************************************
>> On 11/7/2011 9:20 PM, Kitterer Bob wrote:
>>> That was my thinking also.
>> ********************************************************************
>> Robert, could we see a couple pics with an 'attempted' pipe install ??
>> You can send to me an I'll put up <G> !!
>> Ed
>> PS: And why ANYBODY would pay V/B's S&H IS beyond me ?!?
>> _______________________________________________