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[Spridgets] ...S...pridgets] Hurricane Irene and our East Coast friends.

Subject: [Spridgets] ...S...pridgets] Hurricane Irene and our East Coast friends...
From: shop at justbrits.com (Shop at " Just Brits ")
Date: Fri, 26 Aug 2011 19:46:11 -0500
References: <CAJgjnurs8-p7dEcBSUwuVGhJg+f4Z6zePN7YTQmoVOf+=NaxTQ@mail.gmail.com> <53931.> <71F96DBE-5849-44E9-865F-F2CFF495DF9D@me.com> <CAEAAx7-A5-nV8a0S1RhkkP5HFFdGdgS1oMHubaANN8om-pz-BQ@mail.gmail.com> <CAL0QtVcwxcTJZOpnrrRYiZp1a7EhPwtCqTKTA1-SxYc5MGoH-A@mail.gmail.com> <4E57B6C1.8050707@justbrits.com> <CAL0QtVegdy2WsC9y9RM22rrBrqAfPzo2ONzK-DJWriRB_THZ4g@mail.gmail.com> <4E57BE08.8030204@justbrits.com> <CAL0QtVcN5H=N_nhxoAZeDi=Ue-woW5JG12=hJQyn5pDLeFjSYQ@mail.gmail.com>
<< Ed can you host these I just got them from my nephew
at ft Brag. >>

Sure, Lin.   What's his name & rate ??

You want on spritenut.com  OR justbrits.com OR
illiniahca.org ??

Has EVERYONE see the GARAGE pic ???????
In case not (my note to Lin which he apparently did NOT
post ?!?!?)  [ Nor did Bob K. - sender of *.jpg], here IS
my note to Bob:
<shop at justbrits.com <mailto:shop at justbrits.com>> wrote TO Linda G.:
Bob sent pic to me and it's already UP, Lin >G?><G><G> !!


Pic "title" WAS:
Clarici's preparation for Hurricane Irene (minus the .jpg<G>)



PS:  Brad GOT box.  Gimme Phone # again (privately<G>)<F>! !

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