The orientation is correct for a MKII, but upside down for a '58 according to
Horler. But what does he know. :-) I prefer the way yours are mounted.
If my MKII ever gets finished they will be mounted that way. No big ugly
chrome bumpers here.
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On Aug 8, 2011, at 2:12 PM, "Mark Haynes" <haynes386 at> wrote:
> So, Was I the only one to notice that the MKII Sprite drawing in the Clymer
> manual had MKI rear bumperettes in the EXACT SAME orientation as those on
> '58? And you all said that they were on upside down!Proof positive that my
> is RIGHT and the rest of you are ALL wrong ;} (maybe)
> Mark Haynes
> It only goes one way-Pay it Forward
> HAN6L12977
> HAN5L8016