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Re: [Spridgets] Vintage Racing?

To: JohnD <johnsfolly@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [Spridgets] Vintage Racing?
From: Matt Hagopian <mhagopian@hoppetool.com>
Date: Sun, 7 Aug 2011 23:07:21 -0400
I will be there! Come say hi! I'm 24yrs old, my name is matt. I'm racing the
midget with a bugeye nose on it, number 168.


Matt Hagopian

On Aug 7, 2011, at 9:43 PM, JohnD <johnsfolly@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello, out there.
> I guess after recovering from the Rallye to Reno, The Midget 50th at
> Lake, and the T-Register GOF Central at the outstanding Gilmore Museum in
> Michigan, I can figure out how to post an email. Rick Fisk and I will be
> taking advantage of Soave's reluctance to come to Michigan with that white
> trash he's been seen with. We are going to briskly campaign the "Works
> Midget" at the Gran Prix au Grattan at Grattan Raceway in 2 weeks. Curious
> if any listers might be there as well. This is the vintage race that used
> coincide with John Twist's annual summer party in Grand Rapids. It is this
> years East coast "focus event" for the MG Vintage Racers and I believe
> Jaguar is the featured marque.
> In the same vein, I plan to race at the Fall Vintage Festival at Lime Rock
> over Labor Day weekend. "Club Day" and  car show are on Sunday because the
> little church above the straightaway has made Sunday racing illegal in
> Lakeville, CT.  The following weekend, if Boris is still running, I hope to
> be at Watkins Glen for the Collier Cup race and miscellaneous vintage
> activities.  Anybody else going?
> -- JohnD
> *Driving in the past lane!*
> JohnsfollyVintageRacing <http://www.johnsfolly.webs.com>
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