On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 1:03 PM, Curt/Nancy Arndt <cnaarndt at gmail.com> wrote:
Speaking of Dentists, I saw this plate on a nice luxury car several
years ago which I can only assume is for a dentist (and maybe an
Indian Dentist, as in Native American.) To date it's one of my
favorites... *FIXM2TH*
Many years ago there was a short article in Playboy regarding a
Playmate of the Year whose personalized tag was revoked by the state
DMV. It was a western state like Arizona, Nevada, ??? She had a new
Corvette that she received for winning PMOY and the tag said "SMEGMA".
Somebody looked it up after it was approved...
1960 Bugeye
1967 Sprite - gone but not forgotten (the oil stain is still there!)