Thanks everyone, I'm back from my camping trip and getting ready for a 3 day
cabin trip with 68 seniors at my school. It turns out the seats are in
Georgia so I sent him the fedex and UPS links with the bubble wrap
Thanks & I'll keep you all posted,
On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 10:42 PM, Linda Grunthaner <grunthaner at>wrote:
> List,
> Is there anyone from South Carolina coming up my way and can pick up some
> Bugeye seats I want to buy? Or is there any other way than Greyhound to ship
> seats to me in NJ? I don't really want to go to Newark to get these seats
> from the bus because Newark is a scary place. The seats are in Cartersville
> SC. The guy said it will cost $150. to bus them up to me, does this sound
> right?
> Thanks Linda
> PS I guess I'm still on line and not on vacation : ) as I just got this
> email.