Thanks, I don't plan to pull the seer.
There is a latch on the side of the gun that is almost immovable as it is .
which would no doubt be part of taking it apart. I don't plan on taking
vice grips to the thing to take it apart at this point. I only clean the
barrel with the provided rod that sits under barrel and the interesting
cleaning tools in the butt of the gun (whereby my finger often gets caught
between the spring loaded door while pulling the cleaning pod out).
The whole damn gun is simply interesting to me. The funky wood stock and
then the internal mechanism which is well put together . . such a contrast.
The oil is still on the gun. . a minor amount. . but enough to be there ..
liked they dipped the gun in the stuff before shipping it off. Also has a
funny smell.
On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 9:29 AM, Michael MacLean <>wrote:
> DO NOT take the sear out. If you can get it to fire this way it will fire
> ALL of the magazine until empty. You will have no control over it. Very
> dangerous, not to mention illegal. Semi-automatic fire is much better for
> two reasons. You will probably hit what you are aiming at and your ammo
> lasts longer. I have a russian SKS. Bought it when they first hit the
> country and paid $169 for it. A few years later at a local gun show, a
> vendor had tow ten foot tables stacked a couple of feet high with Russian
> SKSes and was asking $88 for them. I did not buy any because I had one
> already. I can't see the future any better than you can Kirk. Oh, and that
> strange oil that was everywhere was cosmoline. Used to store guns for over
> 100 years.
> Mike MacLean
> 60 SPrite
> 56 BN2
> Lots of guns
> --- On *Wed, 2/23/11, Kirk Hargreaves <>* wrote:
> From: Kirk Hargreaves <>
> Subject: Re: [Spridgets] SKS
> To: "derf" <>
> Cc: "Spridgets" <>
> Date: Wednesday, February 23, 2011, 5:02 PM
> Thanks for the info, very interesting stuff. I was not aware of the
> chroming involved. Typical high quality stuff from the Chinese as they
> always build stuff to the highest level of quality. Ha ha ha. When a
> product comes from China, you always know that they take the extra steps
> necessary to insure the highest quality of their goods. . right? LOL
> I paid $99.0 for it back in the early 1990's. They are not for sale
> anymore
> at the gun stores. When I got it. . it was covered in a strange oil. .
> that stuff was everywhere.
> It also has a cleaning kit that hides in the butt end under a little flap
> that is notorius for getting your finger stuck . . and can be pretty
> painful
> at that.
> I kick myself everytime I think about it, as mentioned before, the AK's
> were
> selling for $350. I wish I had been smart enough to have bought three
> AK's
> while I was there.
> But not me. . I am the guy who chose, in the early 70's, to buy a GIbson
> SG
> (strange model with mini humbuckers plastic covered) instead of a 1950's
> Fender Telecaster that would be worth a lot of money today. . both were
> selling, at the time, for $250.0. I guess I never see the future coming!
> My son in law had it for a while and bought a thousand rounds of hollow
> points. So I now have enough lead to hold off a small army. . for at
> least
> a few minutes.
> I guess you can take the seer out and it will fire in automatic mode? Not
> sure if I want to mess with it or how hard that is to do?
> Kirk
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