On Fri, 7 Jan 2011 21:31:45 -0500
Linda Grunthaner<grunthaner at gmail.com> Wrote:
> List
> my good kitty BB is dieing good as in the one that came back when the
> other one Stitches got lost for 5 weeks. It is heart wrenching. Part
> of me wants her to die at home naturally the other part wants to stop
> any impending suffering to end. I'll decide in the morning.
> Poor little BB she has been on several meds for months and is 15 the
> specialist said the bloodwork shows no cancer but only exploratory
> surgury can rule that completally out. I am not having her go through
> that trauma because she is older and extreemily thin.
> I feel like I am to learn something through all this I pray she is not
> suffering and that I stay strong through this night.
> Wish us luck, me and BB.
> Lin
Our beautiful Miss Kitty went to cat Heaven this Spring after 20 good
years. She had a thyroid condition which we medicated for almost a year,
but she had lost a lot of weight anyway and was so stiff and arthritic
that she couldn't groom herself very well. We just decided that her
failing quality of life was more important than having her gentle
personality and love of people to make us feel better. I held her while
the injection was administered and said goodbye as best I could. She was
a good kitty right to the end. Yes, I wept.