On the subject of ethanol, I just operated an ethanol train down the Cajon
pass (12 miles of grade). It was all tankers and weighed 15000 tons (very
heavy). Normal freight trains are about 6-8000 tons. It was taken to a
facility in Long Beach for downloading and distribution. I'm really torn.
It's bad stuff for all my cars, but I made over $450 bucks yesterday on that
one train.
Mike MacLean
60 Sprite
56 Bn2
--- On Mon, 12/20/10, derf <derf247@gmail.com> wrote:
Ethanol is bad stuff. I know it eats rubber parts on outboard motors
that in the past were fine with non-Ethanol fuel.
I've used Stabil for a long time and never even heard of a problem until
Maybe Stabil and Ethanol should not be mixed.
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