As of now I have not resolved the problem. Primarily for now the car is in
storage because I am on a two year adventure living in a RV and traveling.
When this is over I will return to this problem - - hopefully with a good game
plan with the help of this list.
Bob Kitterer
1960 Austin Healey Sprite (Mk IV in disguise) - in storage
1966 Austin Healey Sprite Mk III (Trevor) - still in boxes - in storage
On Nov 5, 2010, at 9:29 PM, Greg Higgins wrote:
> Bob,
> It sounds like I'm having the same problem you had with your sprite. I have
>used dot 5 silicon brake fluid for 13 years and have had no problems, I
>switched to Prestone dot 4 synthetic and have pumped 3 litres of brake fluid
>thru the system with no luck. I have never had this happen before.
> Bob what did you do to solve the problem?
> I was thinking of replacing all rubber lines and seals and try dot 5 silicon
> Greg Higgins
> 63sprite
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