I got both bolts out (I see that tricky spot needed under the passengers
side access Frank) but I can seem to get the starter completely out. I had
it in gear then out of gear and it is hanging up on the very end. Does it
need to come streight out therefore needing to remove the oil filer? (I have
the 1275 motor) or is there another way? Should I have someone press on the
On Sun, Oct 3, 2010 at 11:37 AM, Linda Grunthaner <>wrote:
> List,
> Finally a clearing in my life to work on Pinky, my kitty Stitches is
> finally gaining weight thanks to finding hyperthyroid medicine in gel form
> to rub on her ears and prevent her from throwing up not to mention the
> struggle of inserting pills 2x a day. If your cat or dog requires any meds
> do a search for gel or liquid for meds it is much easier. But you have to do
> your homework first as most vets are too busy to mention this.
> I found a saturn site to help me work on my daily
> driver and the guys & gals are very nice and helpful so after learning the
> paperclip trick to find out my check engine light meant needing a new EGR
> valve I found I needed to blow out the carbon first when the light came on
> again. These 94 model cars are more complicated than our Spridgets. But I
> think I am done with the Saturn work and will be installing the new starter
> in Pinky an hr. from now.
> Being I lost my hard drive in late August I lost notes on repairs so I'm
> sorry for any redundancy. But is there anything I need to know on removing
> the old starter & installing the new one? I have a 1275 in my 62 Sprite &
> I'll check back after I jack up the car.
> Thanks in advance, and thanks for all the support on my kitty : )
> Linda
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