So to test this he swaps the rotors to the opposite sides to see if it then
pulls to the left? :)
> Frank,
> Sometimes, if you get a set of rotors that were not poured from the same
> "heat" at the foundry, there may be enough difference in the alloy to cause
> slightly different frictional properties, when cold (this is why all shop
> manuals specify replacement of BOTH rotors, even though only one may
> replacement. Of course, the pads may have been effected by any
> in the rotor's composition, so it's best to replace them at the same time.
> On a happier note, how did you enjoy your Watkins Glen weekend?
> Bud Osbourne
> -----Original Message-----
> My 67 Sprite which was totally redone 3 years ago has always pulled to the
> right when I step on the brakes.
> I figured I just had to re-bleed the brakes and I finally got around to it.
> It still pulls to the right.
> Brake pedal has always been hard, no pumping needed, New hoses, pipes,
> master, and rebuilt calipers.
> It's not like I never did this before but this time I am stumped.
> One more thing..... The pulling gets less the more I drive and after about
> 20 miles or so, it no longer pulls when I step on the brakes.
> The left caliper is not hanging up, the right just needs to catch up with
> the left one.
> When I first drive off after the car sat for a week or so, it pulls enough
> to make a right turn.
> Anybody have any ideas?
> --
> Frank Clarici
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