DEFINITELY USE A RESPIRATOR!! I used mine the first time without one, with
glass beads, and it was really tough to breath for a day or so after. Get a
GOOD respirator, one for painting, not one of those cheesy little particle
On Sun, Feb 14, 2010 at 8:35 AM, Phil Nase <> wrote:
> On Feb 14, 2010, at 8:47 AM, Michael Rowe wrote:
> > There is near universal agreement on a blast cabinet. This week I
> completed the 220v line for my $150, 60 gal Craig's List Special
> compressor.
> There is a large range of sizes and prices for blast cabinets. What
> features
> are essential? Does anyone use cheap sand instead of glass beads?
> >
> > Michael Rowe
> What size you need depends on what your blasting of course. Mine just
> barely
> allows a road wheel to be worked on but it won't allow a anti-roll bar
> sized
> part. To be sure you need good lighting inside, if the seams aren't
> already
> sealed then do it yourself before it gets dirty. On my bench top the
> hopper
> sides aren't steep enough so I'm constantly pushing media down to the
> pickup
> tube so my next one will be a floor stand type which allows steeper sides
> on
> the hopper. Mine has a side door which leaks media, I haven't used the
> top
> loaders but it seems logical they would be less prone to leaks. Also build
> yourself a dust bong like Frank uses to keep the dust out of the air and
> save
> your vacuum from early failure. I think Frank had the plans on the
> Teglerizer
> site on how to do it, not sure if it's still there.
> If you use sand wear a good quality respirator, I use one even with glass
> beads. I think sand also builds up a lot of heat on the material and can
> warp
> it. I get by using glass on most stuff.
> Phil Nase
> Quakertown, PA
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