I love Top Gear. I take it as entertainment, not news or fact. Clarkson
drops metaphors and similies that make me laugh.
"Shifting this car is a bit like stirring coal.", "...but for the
cheese-eating surrender-monkeys..."
Jet powered Mini off a ski jump? Toyota Hilux attempted destruction......
Turbo Bugeye whupping a ricer...Trabants eaten by rats.
The host's mothers testing compact cars...??
And don't forget that every now and then they drop something very heavy on
an Austin Marina just for a giggle.
I find little on American TV that can compete.
As for the Top Gear in the American south, what was embarrassing was how
easy it was to find stereotypical ignorant rednecks to play their part.
Anyone want to claim that was a setup? Drive the same cars through my
neighborhood and you'd get finger pointing and laughter, and most people
would figure out the joke, not drop their beer and reach for their gun and
truck keys.
Glen Byrns
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