Get a normal car on a normal road to produce 1.5g lateral force and I'll
tell you. Just because your coffee slurps over the edge of the container
doesn't mean you have 1.5g. <smile>
Semis have their own rules and dual rotational centres and US semi braking
systems would fail a UK test. I had a seminar to attend in South Africa and
one of the guys presenting talked about USA and Canadian semis overturning
during cornering which, of course, was a pre-curser to the braking lecture.
The braking lecture fell on deaf ears as only the USA influenced delegates
could follow the reasoning behind the maths.
I've watched several but only driven in one jack-knife incident and
thankfully that had a very large run-off area. I don't want to do that
again <shiver>. Thankfully, ABS systems cover most situations nowadays.
Guy R Day
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Johnson" <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 1:48 AM
Subject: Re: [Spridgets] Help - Seemingly Incurable Brake Fade
> And no one has yet mentioned the situation when braking during a
> corner.... There are some lateral forces involved there. Would that make
> a
> difference? I'm not about to try it to find out! Imagine a hard left
> corner
> with a lateral g load of about 1.5 G... Now imagine slamming on brakes on
> just the front wheels....
> Cheers!!
> Jim
> On Sun, Oct 4, 2009 at 6:50 PM, DAVID GROPPER <> wrote:
>> Any vehicle will swap ends when the back can go faster than the front!
>> Just watch a semi 'jack-knife' when braking on ice or in heavy rain.!
>> Under braking, the weight transfers to the front, the back goes light,
>> loses traction, and wants to overtake the front.
>> Dave G.
>> (sent from a web site)
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