Pants-filling feeling, isn't it?
I had it happen to me, but it was the pinch bolt at the lower end of
the column to the rack's pinion. The bolt fits in a groove in the
pinion shaft. The bolt pinches the split column tube with its splines
onto the pinion shaft which is also splined. The pinch bolt had worn
enough that it allowed the column to pull out.
Check those bolts! Better yet, replace them with a hardened bolt.
I overdid the repair, and pinned the column to the shaft. One tends
to overdo that sort of thing after having seen one's life pass before
one's eyes.
...and, hey, hey!... be careful out there.
Peter C
At 03:19 PM 10/1/2009, Kirk Hargreaves wrote:
>Here I am driving through our neighborhood to check on my wife who is with
>our grand kids at the park and find that I can no longer steer my 59
>Sprite. It went out when doing a u-turn. . and I thought I heard something
>coming from the steering rack.
>I find that if I push the steering wheel in, push it forward hard, that I am
>able to nurse it home.
>Turns out it was the cheap (no doubt Chinese made) after market steering
>wheel that gave out. . the splines on the wheel wore down. Fortunately I
>had not taken the rack out. Goes back to checking the simple things first,
>which is something that I have had to learn the hard way.
>59 Sprite
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