Read it again, David. I absolutely did not say you weren't entitled to your
opinion. Facts are another matter.
Credibility relies on facts, not opinions. Get yours straight.
From: "David Lieb" <>
Sent: Saturday, September 26, 2009 7:14 PM
To: "Spridgets" <>
Subject: Re: [Spridgets] Was: California Ammunition Restrictions NO
>> Unless you are prepared to suggest that the rest of the industrialized
> world
>> is "evil" like you stated because they don't mimic our failed system, I'd
>> suggest not tossing terms like "communist" around. Geesh!
> So what you are saying is that everyone else is entitled to their
> opinion, just not me?
> Sorry, don't work dat way whether you are dealing with capitalists,
> communists, or socialists.
> You call them the way you see them and I will do likewise ;-)
> By the way, the minute you start using phrases like "the rest of the
> industrialized world", you have signed away all credibility. There
> simply ain't nothin' "the rest of the industrialized world" agrees on
> anyway.
> David L
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